Audition song brief 2

Gifter: Ryan

Recipient: Rachel

Mention Recipient: Yes

Occasion: Birthday 

Mention Occasion: Yes


Mood: Happy, Heartfelt


**Your relationship story**

I first met her at an Oktoberfest in 2002. She was drinking a beer and then winked at me with a campy smile. Then I met her again 7 years later and another Octoberfest - she gave me the same smile and wink and soon we started dating. We traveled to Europe, the UK, and Thailand.  Eventually, we got married in Samoa and now we are happily married with 2 beautiful kids named Brian and Jake, living now in the USA. Hopefully more beautiful memories to come.

**Favorite things about them**

She always forgets to leave things on and then panics when she remembers, we all just chuckle

Beautiful singing voice.

She is an amazing dancer, always busting out the moves

She is a terrible cook but tries so hard to make us the very best food. She’s great at ordering delivery when it doesn’t work out as well!

**Favorite memories together**

How she held Brian and Jake when they were babies, it was adorable

Partying together (sometimes too much fun!)

Getting Micky, our dog.

Audition song tips & advice

  • If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics

  • If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics

  • Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them

  • Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics

  • Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs