Audition song brief 13

Gifter: Michael

Recipient: Trisha

Mention Recipient: Yes

Occasion: Expecting our Second Baby

Mention Occasion: No Preference


Mood: Reflective, Heartfelt


**Your relationship story**

We met each other in high school (Bassick High in Bridgeport, CT) but didn't date, I moved away for some time and came back. When I came back she was in a bad place in her life and being used by a guy who didn't value her in the right ways. I offered what I had to help her out, which wasn't a lot, but it seemed to be enough for her. 

Our early days together took a lot of me showing her what love should be, and her happily accepting it. We have had bad financial luck for the past few years, and have been trying to move out of a bad situation, just now we are finally able to do that one year into our marriage, and we get to bring our newborn daughter, Chloe with us on our new experience. 

We are optimistic and hopeful of the future, we are also expecting our second baby. We plan to name her Madeline if she’s a girl, or Trevor if he’s a boy.

**What they mean to you**

You are the best mother to my children

The caregiver to the family

My rock when I need support

**Favorite things to do together**

We watch movies/shows together

We talk for endless amounts of time

We learn and grow together

We parent together

Audition song tips & advice

  • If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics

  • If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics

  • Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them

  • Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics

  • Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs