artist details & benefits

How opportunities are fulfilled, artist benefits, custom song requirements, song revision breakdowns and other helpful tidbits. The more you know about Songfinch and how we work, the better partners we will be together.

How Songfinch works

Customers come to Songfinch and submit a song request via our song submission form. Once we receive the request, our Music Supervision team reviews the information to make sure the details are adequate for a custom song. Once they determine it’s in a good spot, they hand-select an artist that fits what the customer is looking for. 

From there, the artist gets an email with the details and has 24 hours to determine if they want to create a song or not by simply clicking an accept/deny button in the email or on their dashboard. 

If they deny the opp, we’ll find another artist to work on it. If accepted, the artist has 4 days to create and submit the song via their artist dashboard.

Once submitted, our Music Supervision team will review the song to determine all requests were hit. From there, we will accept the song and payment will be scheduled to go out within the hour.

**VERY IMPORTANT: If you don’t have time to make a song that fits the request perfectly, please pass on the opportunity instead of trying to force it.

How are custom songs made?

There are multiple ways to create a song with Songfinch. We aim to make it as easy on our artists while keeping the end product the best it can be for our customers. We’ve outlined the ways to create custom songs with us below:

1. Song From Scratch (preferred + most popular)
You build the song from the ground up - instrumental, melodies, verses, & choruses. Many of our artists prefer to make new songs for every request to keep their skills sharp and the songs extra personalized.

2. Personalized Lyrics + Re-purposed Instrumental
Write full new lyrics over an existing instrumental to save some time on the production side. If you use instrumentals more than once for your requests, that is totally fine.

3. Personalized Lyrics + Repurposed Instrumental & Melodies
Write full new lyrics over an existing instrumental and reuse melodies from previous versions of that song. 


We are totally fine if you want to re-use instrumentals and melodies across different songs as long as they are fully new lyrics. We do not allow choruses or verses to be reused as it takes a bit away from the final deliverable.

**VERY IMPORTANT: Please do not lock into 1 or 2 instrumentals and/or melodies for all your songs, switch it up and create fresh content as often as you can. If we feel an instrumental and/or melody is overused, we will reach out and let you know. Too many re-uses will affect opportunities coming your way.

Artist Community benefits

Artist Payment:
$100 per song completed (base fee)
+$40 for extra verses (40% customers order)
+100% gratuity (35% customers tip)

* 1 out of every 3 songs gets either a tip, an extra verse, or both purchased along with it or after delivery. So 1 out of every 3 songs pays between $140-$180.

Turn-around time: 24 hours to accept/deny + 4 days to write, record + submit a song


Work On Your Time & Schedule. When you get a custom song opportunity, you have 24 hours to accept or deny it. If you’re busy, simply click deny in the email and we’ll pass it on. If you’re down, accept it and it’s all yours. There are no monthly quotas or minimums to hit to keep your account active.

Extra Income. We send payment via PayPal within an hour of song acceptance. You create and deliver — we pay. No ‘net 30’ or waiting periods to get your money. One out of every three songs gets either a tip, an extra verse, or both purchased along with it or after delivery. So one out of every three songs pays between $140 and $180.

Additional Revenue Streams. We offer the ability for customers to get their songs posted on streaming channels (Apple Music + Spotify) and you collect 100% of that streaming revenue. Additionally, we have an Artist Affiliate Program that allows you to generate extra income by referring customers to Songfinch.

No Term Agreement. Our agreement is non-exclusive and doesn't lock you in for any amount of time. Deactivate your account from Songfinch and come back any time. It’s that easy.

Artist-Friendly Rights. You retain 100% control of the master and publishing of the songs you make for Songfinch. So if you make a song for us and love it, feel free to utilize elements of it for your own releases or other projects you are working on.

Artist / Customer Connection. On our song pages, there is a section featuring the artist that made the song with a link to their artist profile. Not only does this grow your fan base and help develop lifelong fans, but it also allows them to connect with you on a level like never before. There aren't many things an artist can do that will build a stronger connection between an artist and fan-like a custom song about personalized experiences in their lives.

Artist Community Perks. Our mission has always been to help artists earn money doing what they love while building authentic, personalized connections with fans, new and existing. We continue to develop and release new tools and offerings to expand our mission and enhance the artist and customer’s experience.

We asked a bunch of our artists how Songfinch has impacted them and their careers, see below:

Song specs & expectations

We’re putting the song request in your hands to determine the best way to create it and make it the best it can be. In the end, you need to deliver a custom song filled with their details and closely fits the mood, genre and style the customer requested.

Song Quality: The quality should not alter the listening experience. A full mix and master isn't required but a clean mix is needed to ensure that the quality is at a good point. Many of our artists record their songs with home studio set-ups. 

Production: The songs are not required to be fully produced. For the most part, they consist of vocals and one or two instruments. If you think adding drums, bass or any other elements would improve and fill it out a bit more, feel free to do so.

Song Length: All songs we deliver must be over 2:30 and contain 2 verses (min 8 lines each) and choruses. We leave bridges optional between two choruses at the end. The typical song structure is:

>> Inst. Intro | Verse 1 | Chorus | Verse 2 | Chorus | Bridge (optional) | Chorus | Inst. Outro <<

Detail Inclusion: It is vital that the “must-haves” are worked into the song. From there, it’s up to you to make sure the song flows well while including as many more details as possible. Tell their story the best way you can, while following their request.

Creative With Details: It is important that the songs feel like you put your creative magic into them - that’s what makes our songs so powerful! Do not sing the details the customer submits word for word (“we met at a bar in 2002…”), be a bit more creative with it.

Song revisions

Some of our songs come with revision requests from the customer after delivery and these ranges all over the place in terms of what they’re asking for and the complexities to complete. Each song revision request is individually reviewed and handled by our Customer Success team and the best route forward is determined at that time. Revisions are due within 4 days of us sending them out and we do our best to pay our artists as much as we can for every revision request we handle. There are a few different revision categories:

1. Artist Errors + Misunderstandings
Any errors on the artist’s part (mispronunciations, quality issues, incorrect details, forgetting to add a name, etc.) are expected to be corrected by the artist at no cost.

2. Minor Tweaks
Sometimes a customer asks to change a line or add a name when they originally said not to. These minor tweaks where consist of changing a line or two, we do not ask the customer to pay extra. Generally, Songfinch will cover the fees for these revisions, so our artists are paid for their time and work. These fees generally range around $10-20.

3. Complex Revisions
More involved or complex revision requests will incur additional fees to be paid by Songfinch and/or the customer. These will pay the artist an additional $10-100 depending on the complexity of the request type.

Again, we always do our best to make sure that artists are compensated for any and all work they have to do. It’s important to us that our artists feel valued and not taken advantage of. We understand how much time, energy and heart goes into every song created. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at