Audition song brief 8
Gifter: Melanie (Mom)
Recipient: Daughter (Christine)
Mention Recipient: Yes
Occasion: High School Graduation
Mention Occasion: No
Mood: Heartfelt, Uplifting
**Favorite memories together**
Our after competition dinners at Pieology
Wearing some interesting costumes over the years including the candy cane unitard!
Watching Chris take home 1st place in a dance competition last year - we were all so proud of her!
Being so sleep deprived at awards and finding everything funny even if it wasn't
Trying to learn how to dance with the door prop from "Paint it Black"
**Other stories or memories**
Christine is my oldest and she is graduating high school. Christine (we call her Chris) has been a dancer since she was little. Her little sister Michaela (Mick-ale-uh) and her are close but we always say they are “best frenemies” :) They constantly fight and make up over anything and everything but overall they are so sweet to each other. She has always been there for me and has helped me with her little sister even when I dont always need it, like her 2nd mom lol
Her father hasn’t been in the picture since she was 2 and she only barely remembers him. Needless to say it’s been an adventure having 2 girls to raise on my own that were only 15 months apart but even through bumps, bruises & scars on us all, we have come so far.
Please mention my car accident in 2008 when I almost died & fractured my neck. How it was seeing her face smiling with tears in her eyes, who at only 5 years old was the fuel and the motivation I needed to get up and make sure I could walk out of that hospital to raise them both. She’s always been my motivation and my strength. Every day.
**Advice you have for them**
Don’t ever lose your spirit!
Be humble, but accept praise
Above all, call your mother!
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs