Audition song brief 7
Gifter: Craig
Recipient: Nadine
Mention Recipient: No
Occasion: Wedding
Mention Occasion: Yes
Mood: Heartfelt, Uplifting
**Song must-haves (3-4 max)**
Our times spent singing in the car on long road trips
Playing with our dog Moose
The fact that I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with her and am building her a forever home to live in.
**Favorite things about them**
Her seemingly limitless capacity for empathy and helping others (she's also an E.R Nurse)
**Favorite memories together**
We met at a music festival when she bumped into me in the crowd and offered to buy her another beer. She laughed and said okay, we ended up going to more concerts together afterward. One thing led to another and now we get to spend the rest of our lives listening to music together.
Driving us around to MusikFest in her Jeep after my injury, listening to music.
Staying up until 3 am watching funny Youtube videos and TikToks, laughing
She has made me a better person by being a motivator in getting my life together, wanting a better quality of life for her and our family.
She makes me feel like I can do anything, keeps me grounded in my aspirations but is also my biggest supporter and motivator.
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs