Audition song brief 6
Gifter: George
Recipient: Sarah
Mention Recipient: Yes
Occasion: Anniversary
Mention Occasion: Yes
Mood: Romantic, Heartfelt
**Your relationship story**
Sarah and I have a great mix of friendship, love, and romance - most relationships only have two of those, but we have all three. The key defining moment was when we both decided to take an extraordinary risk on one another by leaving our significant others and moving across the country in order to be together. Our relationship has required huge levels of trust and dedication through the hardest of times. We have been together for 3 years now and have a little one named Madeline on the way. I wanted to celebrate our upcoming anniversary.
For the first time in my life, I feel seen. She's my soulmate, and she's the first person to ever show me what it truly means to feel loved, cherished, and respected. While hard at times, being with her was the best decision of my life and I know she feels the same way.
For friendship, we can just sit and talk for hours.
For love, we are completely devoted to what one another cares about.
For romance, everything about us fits together perfectly as if we've been together forever.
**Favorite memories together**
Holding hands under the table
Riding in the car and listening to playlists we have made
Flying all across the world together, one journey after another
Drinking wine together (not so much these days, but I love these times)
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs