Audition song brief 20
Gifter: Sarah
Recipient: Christian
Mention Recipient: Yes
Occasion: Wedding (May Walk Down the Aisle to it)
Mention Occasion: No
Mood: Uplifting, Heartfelt
**Song must-haves (3-4 max)**
My nickname, Mrs. Butterfly
Something about how my life changed when I met him and now I feel like a full complete person
I’m so proud to marry the love of my life
We’re not each other’s first, but we will be each other’s last
**Your relationship story**
Christian was a widower for 4 years before he met me. I was a divorcee who was hurt a lot. We met when we both went to watch the World Cup at a sports bar with some mutual friends who were out at the park (they have an annual day out as families called Park Day and it was the first one either of us had been to).
His first words to me were "I could be wrong but I think it’s coming home" because everyone was singing it. We automatically knew we wanted to be together - it was like certainty and we talked all evening and he kept giving me beers that I later found out weren't his! That was 7/7/18
He helped me realize that I was worthy of being loved and made me feel special.
He calls me Mrs. Butterfly because I told him I flourished when I met him.
**Other stories or memories**
That 1st day he convinced me to go on a group holiday, even offered to put us up if I couldn't get a space! I warned him I had 3kids. He told me he was a big train geek.
The second time we met was in a pool. My friends were horrified that I would be seen by him in a swimsuit. He didn't care, we already knew we loved each other.
We moved in together with our kids in less than a year (June 2018) to a house we call the mansion because it had to fit four kids in it! It is right near the park we met at.
He proposed to me on 8/17/19 on Butterfly Island in Turkey with all our children there (my 3 his 1). I had a swimming costume on then too!
We met in shorts but he looks really good in a suit too. We call ourselves Team LD. We make a good team, all 6 of us
Butterflies should be mentioned. My phrase is "just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." Not essential to include just if it fits.
Music is a big thing for us, we have our own playlist, we used to listen to the radio at night and text about it when we didn't live together. Christian likes radio DJing and came to a concert he didn't know and learned songs because I loved the band.
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs