Audition song brief 14
Gifter: Christopher
Recipient: Misha
Mention Recipient: Yes
Occasion: New Relationship
Mention Occasion: Yes
Mood: Romantic, Reflective
**Song must-haves (3-4 max)**
Our hugs could last forever
Please don’t say “I Love You” in the song - we don’t say that yet but if you can imply it that would be great. Maybe something about how strong my feelings are?
She loves my strong arms
She is the most brilliant, beautiful, and intensely focused person I’ve ever met
**Your relationship story**
We have only been together a few months so it's still a new relationship. Could you please say “Chris and Misha” in the song?
We found each other in the most unlikely of places. When Misha's life was a total storm in the aftermath of leaving her terrible ex
Fell deeply in love with lots of support and comfort
She makes me feel valued and confident, like any obstacle is small and I can achieve anything
**Favorite memories together**
First date at Melbourne aquarium 💗
Spontaneous trip to New Zealand to meet her family. great nature views in the spa at night, sharing love and laughs
Getaways to Lorne, we stayed in a nice apartment on the great ocean road just us - it was very romantic. We had a bath together and her red hair made all the water pink hahaha. It was super cute
Chicago trip - we stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Chicago. Everyone was so nice, the food and drinks were impeccable, and we couldn’t come up with one complaint (we tried!). The eggs and bacon cost $30 so I ordered it to see what all the fuss was about. I was not disappointed in the slightest!
Her ex never valued her as a woman, maybe we could mention the way I look at her and how I love all her curves and edges (all her friends comment on how I look at her)? She’s my Venus.
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs