Audition song brief 11
Gifter: Lucy
Recipient: Jerome
Mention Recipient: Yes
Occasion: Thank You
Mention Occasion: Yes
Mood: Happy, Lighthearted
**Song must-haves (3-4 max)**
Mean the world to me - we always say MBS (always says MBS mind-body Soul)
Thank you for being the best husband and father ever
Learn to take time for you
**Your relationship story**
My husband's name is Jerome and we’ve been together for 10 years and married for 5. Recently, I’ve been working my way through medical school while we’ve been raising 2 kids (ages 3 & 5) and he has been nothing but supportive, caring, and extremely loving! He literally has stopped the world in order to take care of the kids, support and cheer me on, and work a full-time job. Even though I have graduated, this has been a journey between the two of us and I really want to say thanks for everything he does.
**Favorite things about them**
We love the same foods
Making out with your cup (he always licks his cups when he drinks)
That one time at band camp (he always uses this saying )
Supermán tattoo (got superman tattoo on his arm when he was younger that he regrets)
**Advice you have for them**
Slow down enjoy life
Stop being so stubborn (stubborn and hard-headed man)
Don’t forget to put the truck in the park (he forgot to put the truck in the park got out and the truck rolled out of the driveway and rammed into another truck)
**Favorite memories together**
Favorite last-minute trip to San Francisco when you saved me from the pelican
Our unforgettable wedding on the beach in Cancun
When you wore your short shorts and cowboy hat out on the beach (always tease him cause he only had these shorts to wear and they were some short shorts and he owned it and topped off with a cowboy hat)
Audition song tips & advice
If “Mention Recipient” is yes, work their name in the lyrics
If “Mention Occasion” is yes, work the occasion in the lyrics
Keep the moods in mind and build the instrumentation and lyrical content around them
Our verses are minimum 8 lines of lyrics
Record the song on the same setup that you will use for your future Songfinch songs